We are convinced that large prosperous companies should help. That is why we try to support those who really need help from the very beginning.
is a system by means of which up to tens of thousands of donors, Good Angels, can help enormously thousands of patients.
JOY It makes us feel great that we make it possible for people to efficiently help each other. Good Angels feel great about giving.
COOPERATION We cooperate with practitioners, nurses and social workers, firms and other organizations that share our values.
RESPECT We respect the weak, the ill and those in need. We respect our colleagues in both the for-profit and non-profit sectors. We respect Good Angels and partners, regardless of the amount of their donation.
COURAGE We seek the courage to act, to tackle the Big Issues head-on. We seek courage in communication – in setting out our arguments. We seek the strength to defend our values with greater courage, to defend that we are different. For more information, visit the following website: www.dobryandel.cz
Lékaři bez hranic / Médecins Sans Frontières
Médecins Sans Frontières is an international humanitarian organization that provides professional medical assistance to people at risk and in the event of crises.
The organization was established in 1971 by a group of French doctors and journalists who had direct experience of the famine in Biafra.
Medical care in almost 70 countries worldwide is provided by nearly 3,000 international and 34,000 local colleagues.
For more information, visit the following website: www.lekari-bez-hranic.cz
Mobile hospice Ondrášek
By providing comprehensive support, we help incurably sick children as well as adults and their families, in order to ensure that their final life stage is dignified, that they cope with it together and that they have a chance to close their story.
We accompany the families in the time of dying, and we fulfil wishes for those who want to die at home.
For more information, visit the following website: www.mhondrasek.cz
Adopce na dálku® (Child Sponsorship Program)
Since 1993, Adopce na dálku® (Child Sponsorship Program) has helped more than 30 thousand poorest children.
The support includes tuition for primary and secondary schools, school equipment, and school uniforms. Where it applies, we will also cover the costs of dormitory fees, tutoring, and extracurricular activities and healthcare. Support of communities that play a major role in the overall development and education of children in need, is a crucial part of the sponsorship program.
For more information, visit the following website: www.charita.cz