What to do if...


... the upper baby panties leak

Woollen ones - perform the lanolin treatment (even 2 - 3 times in a row), soak dry upper panties, thus you will increase the impregnation effect, then rub the seams of the panties with wool wax and warm lightly with a hairdryer.

PUL - polyester nappies with polyurethane coating - rub the seams of the panties with wool wax and warm lightly with a hairdryer. If these measures do not help, it will be necessary to replace the panties with new ones; improper handling with PUL panties could result in irreversible damage to the impervious coating. If the panties leak in the leg area, choose a more suitable size.


... the panties smell badly after washing

Always remove the rough impurities from the nappies - using a separation nappy or a shower. Before the washing itself, allow the nappies to rinse in cold water, completely free of washing powder. Then wash at a higher temperature with the addition of washing powder. Then rinse twice. Add half a glass of vinegar or Permon M softener or a few drops of essential lavender oil to the last rinse bath. Allow the nappies to dry in the sun, it is the cheapest and most effective disinfection. Do not store unwashed nappies for more than 2-3 days (decomposition of the urine into very smelly ammonia takes place). If necessary, repeat the whole cycle again.


... the nappies have hardened after a long period of use

Hardening of the nappies is caused by deposition of calcium and magnesium ions in the fabric.  This can be prevented by adding half a glass of vinegar or Permon M softener to the last rinse bath. Sometimes you can perform a so-called "decalcification treatment": dissolve 1 to 2 sachets of citric acid in hot water (2-3 litres) and soak the washed nappies in this solution for a longer time, then rinse as usual.

Caution: Hardening of nappies is aggravated by drying in the hot sun and on a radiator!!! NEVER USE A FABRIC SOFTENER - it reduces the absorption capacity of nappies!!!



 ... there are stains on the nappies

Stain formation is eliminated by using separating stains. Dry nappies in the sun that has excellent bleaching and disinfecting effects.